Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Painting a Model and making Earrings

Originally posted 2/6/11

This is a model of a Titanic that my dad found in The Black Hole (aka his enormous storage unit.)

I bought my paints for my titanic (at Hobby Lobby) the first couple days of January, and I finished it on about the last day of January. Pretty neat-o, huh? I only lost 3 pieces. LoL. Actually, I think they were lost sometime back when I was 12.

I also made a pair of earrings... I found the seahorse shell at Roberts and grabbed it on their 75% off sale. My friend Crystal, and I, went to The Bead Fairy and assembled our own treasures. She made 3 necklaces, and I made these earrings and several rings.

Next, and possibly most awesomely, Dave and I found a sewing machine at DI. This first picture is the one we've been borrowing from Dusty (which we will soon return to her).

This second picture is the one we got a D.I. (Deseret Industries). It was $25 and then we spent a bit to buy a cord/pedal and those sticks that the thread sit on - it was originally missing one and the other was too bent to be useable. My machine LOOKS a lot like Dusty's but mine is a model or so Newer. The threading spots/bobbin winding are slightly different. And Dusty's only seems to be able to do 2 stitches without having to switch out some internal pieces. Mine has all those internal pieces, and I can do ALL the stitches (except that I don't have a twin needle.) It's super cool. I also got some extra bobbins.

Lastly, I've been making and eating lots of sweets. I made a double batch of Chocolate Chip Oatmeal Cookies last week as well as a triple batch of Tapioca. Then 3 days later, I made a double batch of Tapioca. Yum! Then today I made Homemade Oreo Cookies. ^_^
Poor Dave; I'm not helping him get thinner very well.

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