Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Chili Cook-off

Originally posted 10/18/11

Last weekend, Dave and I had an LDS ward chili cook-off, and the chili's were going to be judged. Dave made a chili, but I didn't get around to making one. However, Dave was also suppose to be one of the judges.. along with the bishopric.

When it was time to eat... I got little spoonfuls of each soup, and actually started to eat them on my way around the table... because if i didn't, how was I going to figure out which is the best when they're all mixing together in my bowl? Well, I got so into it, that Bishop said that I could be a judge too. So I did. I loved this chili that had an obvious asian flavor to it. I dubbed it number one. Number two was a mystery chili that was good for no obvious reason. Later I found out it was made with homemade chili sauce and homemade salsa, and fresh garden tomatoes. Better ingredients, better chili. Number 3 of my favorites had chocolate and cinnamon in it. Yum! No wonder that woman's family was inhaling it... especially her husband.

Dave and I had some extra beans we'd made but didn't get used in Dave's chili, so I took a portion of that, and started making my own chili. I basically made it up as I went; but it turned out so good, I decided I'd better write it down... and maybe even share it.

Keshia's Chili
-Saute 1 lb hamburger (rubbed with red curry paste) and chopped green garlic-onion chives. After it's browned, add flour (to thicken and absorb grease) then add to soup pot.
-In soup pot put:
5+ cups water
5 sm. cans tomato sauce
EZ chili powder
1/3 c. sugar
1/2 bag frozen peas
1 c. cooked beans
1/4 c. dried onion
2 bay leaves
salt to taste
Bring to boil and let simmer 10+ minutes (to mesh flavors).

This is one of the best things i've made since i got married and started cooking... which is kind of amazing... because this is the first time i've made soup without a pre-packaged can... in my whole life, i think. Well, good eating, friends!

PS. This recipe is closer to the soupy side whereas my husband likes it on the thicker stew side... you can adjust the amounts to your own tastes... and maybe add some cornstarch to your liquid before mixing that into the soup (one part cornstarch to two parts liquid).

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